CNB is an acronym for
Challenge, New Technology and Best Quality.
This shows a cutting-edge, sophisticated aspect of our company which is appropriate with the globalization and the image-building of CNB as a specialized Total Security company.
CNB Word Mark contains our corporate mind and spirit that are seeking to build a good company
in the 21st century with our logotype with:
¤ý the Blue Color that implies honesty and reliability with our clients
¤ý the Red Color that gives the dynamics feelings with stability and the shape of a square that signifies
future-oriented, sophisticated technology.
Our logotype expresses the corporate conviction that leads a change in the Security field, based on the feelings of stability and reliability. In principle, CNB logotype is written in English. CNB logotype is designed to provide a visually sophisticated sensibility, clarity and independence, and it should be used exactly in accordance with the illustrated instructions. So the reproduction of CNB logo should be done with the use of a computer printing method or a normal bookbinding method using the recycled script in the Manual.
This is a very important element in the forming of an original visual image of CNB Technology Inc. Color Expression requires an precise management for uniformity in visual image. Particular care should be taken so that any change or discrepancy may not appear in such aspects as luminosity and saturation. When printed in four colors for color reproduction, this should be expressed in accordance with the illustrated Four Color regulations and instructions. In principle, you should normally use major color sources. For various expressions, however, supplementary colors can also be used.